Our vision is a community working together to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in Greenville.

Won’t YOU be a part of making this vision a reality?

Sponsor a Signature Event

United Ministries partners hosts several signature events each year to create community awareness and raise funds for our valuable programs. Events provide a perfect opportunity for our sponsors to proudly show their community support through our creative sponsorship packages.

To speak with someone about our next sponsorship opportunities, please contact Susan Midgett at 864.335.2615 or smidgett@united-ministries.org.

Hire a Program Participant

Striving to Thrive participants receive long-term one-on-one coaching to address all of the factors that have impacted employability. Coaching and coursework develops financial know-how, personal effectiveness, and job skills. We even continue to work with our participants after they are employed.

Do you have a place on your team for a Striving to Thrive participant? Contact us today!